Course curriculum

  1. Checking in surgery patients

  2. Surgery Disqualifiers (age, illness, weight, etc.)

  3. Getting ready for surgery (making scrub, labeling cages, O2, paperwork)

  4. Restraint for IV induction and intubation

  5. Pre-medication - what it is, options, how and when to give

  6. Normal vitals during recovery

Coming 2024!

  • Designed for the shelter med tech that will be helping in surgery
  • Topics cover the entire surgery day from intake, to prep work, surgery recovery, post-op care and discharge
  • Prepares technicians to perform as "gopher" and "recovery" technicians in the shelter surgical clinic, including HVHQ spay/neuter

This Course is Coming Soon!

The APA! Training and Education Center is hard at work to create this course, and more! Add your email to the mailing list to get the latest updates.

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