Shelter Cleaning Essentials

(1.5 hours)

    1. Video: Cleaning vs. Disinfecting

    2. Cleaning vs Disinfecting Mini-Quiz

    3. Video: Using Bleach as a Disinfectant

    4. Using Rescue as a Disinfectant

    5. Using Bleach as a Disinfectant Infographic

    6. Video: How to Clean and Disinfect Equipment

    7. Cleaning and Disinfecting Equipment Practice

    8. Cleaning and Disinfecting Mini Quiz

    1. Video: Control Disease Spread on Clothes

    2. Video: Proper thorough handwashing technique

    3. Zoonotic Disease - Protect Yourself from Illness

    4. Controlling Spread of Disease Quiz

    1. Contagious Dog and Cat Diseases Presentation

    2. Common Contagious Shelter Diseases Mini Quiz

    1. Sweeping and mopping overview

    2. Sweeping and Mopping Quiz

    1. Scrubbing a Dog Run Presentation

  • $55.00
  • 26 lessons
  • Designed for any staff that will be involved in cleaning and care of animals
  • Covers the basics of keeping your shelter clean and sanitary, while minimizing spread of disease
  • Keep staff safer by teaching them how to work around zoonotic diseases

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