Course curriculum

(2 hours)

    1. Neonatal Kitten Supplies Checklist

    2. Keeping Kittens Warm Presentation

    3. Gruel Recipe

    4. New Kitten Prep and Arrival

    5. Prepping for Kittens Mini Quiz

    1. How Often to Feed Bottle Baby Kittens

    2. Bottle Baby Care Video

    3. Force Feeding Bottle Kittens

    4. Bottle Baby Feeding Interactive Practice

    1. How Often to Feed Gruel Kittens

    2. Gruel Kitten Care Video

    3. Gruel Baby Feeding Interactive Practice

    4. A note about gruel transition

    5. Gruel Kittens Mini-Quiz

    1. Kitten Cleanliness Presentation

    2. Fecal Scoring Chart

    1. Fading Kitten Syndrome Walk Through

    2. Fading Kitten Syndrome Flyer

    3. Fading Kitten Syndrome Treatment Video

    4. Fading Kitten Syndrome MiniQuiz

Available Now!

  • $55.00
  • 29 lessons
  • Understand the critical components of feeding, daily weigh ins, warmth, and stimulating
  • Designed for anyone caring for neonatal kittens including staff, fosters, and volunteers
  • Organized lessons with charts, posters and handouts to keep quality of care standard across your organization

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