Course curriculum

(3 hours)

    1. Welcome to the APA Training and Education Center!

    1. Common Med Terminology Survey

    2. Please grab some headphones :)

    3. Introduction to Veterinary Medical Terminology

    4. List of terms in this section if you'd like to print and study them

    5. Body Parts and Routes of Administration Slides

    6. Body Parts Practice

    7. Routes of Administration Practice

    8. Mentation and Prognosis Terminology Slides

    9. Mentation Practice

    10. Prognosis Practice

    11. Medical Terminology Part I Quiz

    1. List of terms from this section if you'd like to print and study them

    2. Signs and Common Diseases Slides

    3. Signs of Illness Practice

    4. Common Dog and Cat Diseases Practice

    5. Signs and Diseases Quiz

    6. Types of tests slides

    7. Lab Test Practice

    8. Diagnostic Tests Quiz

    9. Procedures, Exams and Injection

    10. Procedures, Exams, Injection Practice

    11. Procedures, Exams, Injection Quiz

    1. List of Abbreviations from this section if you'd like to print and study them

    2. Commonly Used Abbreviations and Acronyms

    3. Abbreviations and Acronym Practice

    4. Abbreviation Quiz Part 1

    5. Abbreviation Quiz Part 2

    1. Syringes Presentation

    2. Syringes 101 Quiz

    1. Shelter Vet Clinic Roles and Jobs

    2. Shelter Vet Clinic Roles and Jobs Quiz

Available Now!

  • $55.00
  • An introduction to the world of veterinary medicine as it applies to working at an animal shelter
  • Help staff feel confident in their ability to understand and communicate animal medical terms
  • Essential for all shelter vet technicians and receptionists, and anyone else that provides medical care to animals

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The APA! Training and Education Center is hard at work creating more frontline shelter employee training courses. Add your email to the mailing list to get the latest updates.

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