Course curriculum

(1.5 hours)

    1. Short history of dog behavior and training

    2. Philosophy on Dog Behavior - LIMA and Positive Reinforcement

    1. Dog Behavior and Training Terminology

    2. 4 Quadrants of Dog Behavior Modification

    3. Dog Thresholds and Trigger Stacking

    4. Behavior Terminology Practice

    5. Dog behavior and terminology quiz

    1. The 5 Senses: How They Work in Dogs and How That Shapes Perception

    2. Dog Perception and Senses Interactive

    3. What Dogs Want and Their Motivations Video

    4. Dog Perception and Motivation Quiz

    1. What is Objective Behavior Assessment and Why It Matters

    2. Removing Emotions and Subjectivity From Assessments

    3. Talking About Dog Behavior Objectively and Accurately

    4. Objective dog behavior assessment quiz

    1. Overarousal

    2. On-Leash Reactivity

    3. Separation Anxiety

    4. Resource Guarding

    5. Flight Risk

    6. Defensive Aggression

    7. Common Behavioral Challenges Quiz

    1. 301 Foundations of Dog Behavior Final Exam

Available Now!

  • 23 lessons
  • An essential course for any staff or volunteers that work with dogs in the shelter setting
  • Help staff overcome common misconceptions and misunderstandings about dog training and behavior
  • Give your staff the tools to accurately and objectively understand and communicate about dog behavior

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